Rus Jones has already researched MOZ and explains Phone Number List in this post what strikes him. The planner displays search volumes in rounded numbers in so-called buckets. Two keywords can have the same search volume in the tool, but in reality differ by a quarter of a million in volume. The related keyword list is not always complete or completely misses the mark. In Phone Number List other words: words are missing or the words shown do not make any sense. To refresh your memory or if you come across this for the Phone Number List first time, let's take a look at the background of the changes as they were put live by Google at the end of last summer.

What has changed in the Phone Number List keyword tool? You can still access the AdWords keyword tool yourself via this url. You just need an AdWords account and you don't necessarily need to advertise to use the tool. But if you don't advertise it will be much less useful because of the following problems: The search volumes are no longer Phone Number List shown; you only see an estimate of the traffic, for example between 0 and 1000, or between 1000 and 10,000 visitors. Many plural and singular Phone Number List keywords no longer have search volume at all. You won't believe it, but this is already an improvement over the first rollout, see later in this post.

Google changes your seed keyword on Phone Number List its own. Previously, you always got two lists back: the list of input (the seed keywords) and the list of suggestions. Google is now changing that first Phone Number List list on its own. Chocolate becomes chocolate. Link building tool becomes 'Link building tool'. The latter is not even good Dutch. Words that Phone Number List you do get back in Google suggest as variants do not always come back in the Adwords tool.